Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Social Science & Medicine, 75, 2012, 1254-1262

Social Science & Medicine 

The relationship between diet and perceived and objective access
to supermarkets among low-income housing residents

Caspi a,*, Ichiro Kawachi a, S.V. Subramanian a, Gary Adamkiewicz a,b, Glorian Sorensen

a b s t r a c t

In the U.S., supermarkets serve as an important source of year-round produce (Chung & Myers, 1999), and yet access to supermarkets may be scarce in food deserts,or poor, urban areas that lack sources of healthy, affordable food (Cummins & Macintyre, 2002). This study examined objective distance to the
nearest supermarket and participant-report of supermarket access in relation to fruit and vegetable intake. Street-network distance to the closest supermarket was calculated using GIS mapping. Perceived access was assessed by a survey question asking whether participants had a supermarket within walking distance of home. Cross-sectional survey data were collected from 828 low-income housing residents in three urban areas in greater-Boston. Generalized estimating equations were used to estimate the association between perceived and objective supermarket access and diet. Fruit and vegetable consumption was low (2.63 servings/day). Results suggest that most low-income housing residents in greater-Boston do not live in food deserts,as the average distance to a supermarket was 0.76 km (range 0.13e1.22 km). Distance to a supermarket was not associated with fruit and vegetable intake. Perceived supermarket access was strongly associated with increased fruit and vegetable intake (0.5 servings/day) after controlling for socio-demographic covariates (p < 0.0001). Patterns of mismatch between
perceived and objective measures revealed that mismatch between the two measures were high (31.45%). Those who did not report a supermarket within walking distance from home despite the objective presence of a supermarket within 1 km consumed significantly fewer fruits and vegetables (0.56 servings/day) than those with a supermarket who reported one, even after controlling for sociodemographic variables. Perceived measures of the food environment may be more strongly related to dietary behaviors than objective ones, and may incorporate components of food access not captured in objective measures.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


My daughter is home from Argentina speaking fluent Spanish and hoping to go back!

Another interesting journal

Psychology, Health & Medicine

Psychology, Health & Medicine         

Aims & scope

Open Select option now available
Psychology, Health & Medicin e provides a forum to report on issues of psychology and health in practice. The journal reaches an international audience, highlighting the variation and similarities within different settings. Examining the wide range of applied health and illness issues and how they incorporate psychological knowledge, understanding, theory and intervention, the journal reflects the growing recognition of psychosocial issues as they affect health planning, medical care, disease reaction, intervention and management.
For many years theoretical research was very distant from applied understanding. The emerging movement in health psychology, changes in medical care provision and training, and consumer awareness of health issues all contribute to a growing need for applied research. This journal focuses on practical applications of theory, research and experience and provides a bridge between academic knowledge and health care practice.

The journal is aimed directly at health psychologists, general psychologists, and health care workers such as hospital and community doctors, social workers, planners and managers. The journal will be accessible and of use to both the academy and the professionals.
Peer Review Integrity
All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections or supplements, have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two independent referees.

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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Interesting Journal

Health & Place

Health & Place

An International Journal

The journal is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the study of all aspects of health and health care in which place or location matters.
Recent years have seen closer links evolving between medical...

The most downloaded articles from Health & Place in the last 90 days.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Giving and Getting: Protective and Corrective Facework and Obligation in Asia and the U.S.

International and Intercultural Communication Division

Mary Jiang Bresnahan
Michigan State University

Deborah A Cai
Temple University


Overview Description of the Proposed Panel:
The lead paper by Tae-Seop Lim and Sang-Yeon Kim presents an updating of Lim and Bowers 1991 extension of Brown and Levinson's facework theory with special consideration of the work that Lim has done on Asiacentric understanding of facework (Lim, 2004, 2012). The paper by Wuyu Liu focuses on cultural differences in the perception and extent of obligation for Chinese and Euro-Americans. Yi Zhu's examination of corrective facework in China and the U.S. develops and operationalizes fellowship, autonomy, and competence face values based on the Lim and Bowers model. The paper by Ying Cheng tests whether making Confucian values salient in a public or private failure event involving dishonesty has any impact on face loss, guilt, and shame. Professor Cai's paper revisits her earlier work on Chinese obligation. She also provides a critique of the four papers in this panel.


This panel brings together three seasoned scholars who have studied issues of face, obligation and culture and 3 promising new scholars. Facework is a culturally sensitive construct and a source of interest to the NCA membership. People in several divisions are conducting studies of facework. Contributors to this panel have expertise in intercultural communication and face issues. The panel also advances facework theory in an exciting way that is sensitive to culture. Possible Co-Sponsors for this panel: Interpersonal Communication Division, Language & Social Interaction Division, and Chinese Communication Association

Supporting Files


The impact of Holism, Cognitive Relativity, and Culture on Face Need across the U.S., Korea, and Japan

This paper describes holism and cognitive relativity as two important predictors of face needs, and examines the similarities and dissimilarities across the three cultures in the relationships between holism, cognitive relativity, and face needs. Holism refers to the inclination to see social or natural entities as single, irreducible wholes, not sums of their parts. Individuals with high relational holism tend to identify themselves with their friends, families, and colleagues. Cognitive relativism is the propensity to see, think, and act relatively. Individuals with high cognitive relativity think that people are under different conditions, so they need to be differentially judged: Persons with higher social status must satisfy stricter standards than those with lower social status. We will first develop measures of face needs, holism, and cognitive relativity, then investigate differences and similarities between Americans, Japanese, and Koreans in face needs and the ways in which holism and cognitive relativism determine face needs. In this study, we want to keep distance from two extreme perspectives in the study of face: universalism that believes a simple set of rules can explain all cultures and particularism that subscribes to the myth of culture: "It's because of CULTURE." We believe that identifying commonness is as important as finding differences, and looking into the convergence between cultures is as necessary as studying how cultures reproduce themselves. Everyone knows culture makes differences, but we here want to know WHAT of culture makes the differences. Holism and Cognitive relativity are personal dispositions that can be isolated from culture to explain differences in face work across cultures.

Tae Seop Lim
University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee

Sang-Yeon Kim
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

Cultural Differences in Obligation and Reciprocity in China and the US

This paper investigates a concept that is closely related to facework concerns-the meaning and extent of interpersonal, ingroup obligation across cultures. Chinese are described as valuing relative positioning with respect to important in-group members and maintaining interdependence with relational partners (Hwang, 1987). In collectivist cultures, much more effort is put into other and mutual facework compared to self-facework in individualist cultures. Obligation and reciprocity are important Confucian values. Chinese selfhood is governed by the principle of reciprocity 'guanxi' (Ho et al., 2001). Bedford (2004) describes nei jiu which is the inner feeling that is experienced in failing in obligation to others (p. 31). The study measures pro-self and relational-self orientations and also manipulates three levels of obligation-low, moderate, and high obligation. The study is framed in Goei and Boster's (2005) theory of aversive versus benevolent obligation. While the results of this study are still being analyzed at the time of the submission of this proposal, we predict that Euro-American participants will see obligation to others as more aversive and will show more reluctance to engage in an obligation relationship whether low, moderate, or high compared to Chinese. Chinese participants are likely to show more agreement that obligation is benevolent and will be more likely to agree to help across all obligation conditions.

Wuyu Liu
Michigan State University

Restoring Other-Face: Cultural Differences in Corrective Face-work in China and the US

This paper investigates corrective facework strategies preferred by Chinese and Americans using Lim and Bowers (1991) three levels of face relations-competence face, autonomy face, and fellowship face. The study predicts that autonomy face will be a greater concern for American participants while fellowship face is more consistent with Chinese values. Both Americans and Chinese are theorized to value competence face. Chinese participants are predicted to have greater concern about the fear of negative evaluation (Leary, 1983). Zhu learned that in the agency condition (you talked about your friend's failing grade to others with your friend standing behind you), both Chinese and American participants opted for apologizing as their preferred strategy. However, American participants also said they would offer an excuse for their unacceptable behavior while Chinese participants indicated that they would blame the professor for an overly difficult exam. In the observer condition (you and your friend who failed the exam were there when someone else revealed that your friend failed the exam), Americans said they would offer empathy and support to their friend while Chinese indicated that they preferred avoidance. Female participants also expressed more support for the offended friend regardless of country. Finally, fear of negative evaluation (Leary, 1983) was a significant predictor of desire to repair other-face.

Yi Zhu
Michigan State University

The Impact of Buddhist and Confucian Values on Face Loss, Guilt and Shame

The paper presented by Ying Cheng (The Impact of Buddhist and Confucian Values on Face Loss, Guilt and Shame) probes the role of Confucian and Buddhist values for Chinese in face loss situations. The goal of this study was to present a value-vested set of problem scenarios to prompt Chinese participants to think about important social values. Specifically, the study tests 4 experimental conditions involving plagiarism against a control condition. The study also manipulated whether the cheating was known only to the cheater or had been made public. The three dependent variables were perception of face loss, shame, and guilt. The study was conducted with 125 Chinese respondents using snowball sampling. The results of this study are still being analyzed at the time of the submission of this proposal. However, we hypothesize that respondents will show more face loss, guilt and shame when the cheating is public, and when Buddhist/Confucian values are made salient in the message. Respondents are also likely to experience high face loss, shame, and guilt when the cheating is known only to them but when Buddhist/Confucian values are made salient.

Ying Cheng
Michigan State University

Response to face and obligation in Asia

Dr. Deb Cai (Temple University) is an ideal respondent for this panel. She has studied face and obligation in the cultural context of Chinese communication and only recently has published a study on cultural differences in face and obligation between Chinese and Euro-Americans. She is a nationally recognized expert in the field of intercultural communication both in the years she spent at Maryland and in her current position at Temple University. So this panel brings together an important theoretical contribution to culture and face work, three papers which advance research design and measurement issues related to core Chinese values, and an examination of aversive and benevolent perceptions of obligation. The respondent has expertise in these areas and has also thought about how to extend the study of these areas on her own apart from these papers. Taken together, these studies combine data collected from more than 900 participants in Asia and the U.S. and contribute to understanding of Asia centric values in face work.

Deborah A Cai
Temple University

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Working on the special issue of the Chinese JC on Health Communication in China.  Got 10 great submissions--will be able to accept 5.  Sending these out for review and writing the introductory essay for the issue!  Learning a lot! BTW, Louis Leung is a great editor of this ISI journal.  If you are working on Com research with Chinese data please consider this journal.

Michael Curtin - University of California, USA Louis Leung - The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Associate Editors:
Anthony Y.H. Fung - The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Francis L.F. Lee - The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Carolyn Lin - University of Connecticut, USA Jack L.C. Qiu - The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Clement Y.K. So - The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Saskia Witteborn - The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Book Review Editors:
Hanqi Fang - Renmin University of China, China Mike Yao - City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Jack L.C. Qiu - The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Stanley Rosen - University of Southern California, USA Yanhong Li - Sun Yat-Sen University, China
Editorial Advisory Board Members:
Peng Hwa Ang - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Sandra Ball-Rokeach - University of Southern California, USA Donal Carbaugh - University of Massachusetts - Amherst, USA Manuel Castells - Open University of Catalonia, Spain, and University of Southern California, USA Yaly Chao - Tamkang University, Taiwan Guo-ming Chen - University of Rhode Island, USA Huailin Chen - University of Macau, Macau Ling Chen - Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Lidan Chen - Renmin University of China, China Jing Wu - Peking University, China Wei-wen Chung - National Chengchi University, Taiwan Nick Couldry - Goldsmiths, University of London, UK James Curran - Goldsmiths, University of London, UK Stephanie Hemelryk - Donald University of New South Wales, Australia John Downing - Southern Illinois University, USA William Dutton - University of Oxford, UK Louisa Ha - Bowling Green State University, USA John Hartley - Curtin University, Australia David Hesmondhalgh - University of Leeds, UK Junhao Hong - State University of New York - Buffalo, USA Zhengrong Hu - Communication University of China, China Hu Huang - Fudan University, China Nicholas Jankowski - The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, The Netherlands Michael Keane - Queensland University of Technology, Australia Linlin Ku - National Taiwan University, Taiwan Liangwen Kuo - National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan Eva Lam - Northwestern University, USA Chin-Chuan Lee - City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Armand Mattelart - Université de PARIS 8, France Stephen McDowell - Florida State University, USA Patricia Moy - University of Washington, USA John Pavlik - Rutgers University, USA Mark PearsonGriffith University, Australia Monroe Price - University of Pennsylvania, USA Stephen Reese - University of Texas at Austin, USA Ian Richards - University of South Australia, Australia Dan Schiller - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA Jan Servaes - City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Bo Shan - Wuhan University, China Peiren Shao - Zhejiang University, China Ping Shaw - National Sun Yat-sen University, China Colin Sparks - Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Charles Steinfield - Michigan State University, USA Joseph Straubhaar - University of Texas at Austin, USA Marina Svensson - Lund University, Sweden Daya Thussu - University of Westminster, UK Stella Ting-Toomey - California State University - Fullerton, USA Ingrid Volkmer - University of Melbourne, Australia Jing Wang - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Song-In Wang - National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan David Weaver - Indiana University, USA Lars Willnat - Indiana University, USA Yi-cen Wu - Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan Yan Xu - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Hong Yin - Tsinghua University, China Kun Zhang - Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China Guoliang Zhang - Shanghai Jiaotong University, China Yuezhi Zhao - Simon Fraser University, Canada