Sunday, August 18, 2013


Hi I'm back posting again after a needed break.
Here is a journal that I thought you might like.

Research Article
Tailoring Messages to Individual Differences in Monitoring-
Blunting Styles to Increase Fruit and Vegetable Intake

Pamela Williams-Piehota, PhD1,2; Amy E. Latimer, PhD1,3; Nicole A. Katulak, BS1;

Ashley Cox, MS, JD1; Stephanie A. N. Silvera, PhD4; Linda Mowad, RN5; Peter Salovey, PhD1


Objective: To examine whether messages matched to individuals’ monitoring-blunting coping styles
(MBCS) are more effective in increasing fruit and vegetable intake than mismatched messages. MBCS refers
to the tendency to either attend to and amplify, or distract oneself from and minimize threatening information.  
Design/Setting: Randomly assigned messages were tailored to resonate with either monitors or blunters
and delivered at baseline, 1 week, 2 months, and 3 months later. Surveys were conducted at baseline and 2
and 4 months later.  
Participants: 531 callers to a cancer information hotline who did not meet the 5 A Day guideline.
Intervention: A brief telephone-delivered message and 3 mailings of booklets and promotional items encouraging
fruit and vegetable intake, tailored for either monitors or blunters.
 Main Outcome Measure: Fruit and vegetable intake 2 and 4 months post-baseline.
Analysis: Hierarchical regression modeling.
Results: Messages matched toMBCS were more effective than mismatched messages, particularly for the
monitor message, in increasing intake at 2 months but not at 4 months.
Conclusions and Implications: These minimal interventions influenced fruit and vegetable intake.
MBCS may be a promising target for developing tailored messages aimed at increasing intake, although
additional research is needed to verify the robustness of these findings.  
Key Words: persuasive communication, nutrition education, tailoring, monitor, coping styles (J Nutr

Educ Behav. 2009;41:398-405.)

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