Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Information Manipulation Theory 2


McCornack, S. A., Morrison, K., Paik, J. E., Wisner, A. M., & Zhu, X. (2014). Information Manipulation Theory 2 A Propositional Theory of Deceptive Discourse Production. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 33(4), 348-377.

Information Manipulation Theory 2

A Propositional Theory of Deceptive Discourse Production

  1. Steven A. McCornack1
  2. Kelly Morrison1
  3. Jihyun Esther Paik2
  4. Amy M. Wisner1
  5. Xun Zhu3
  1. 1Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
  2. 2University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI, USA
  3. 3Pennsylvania State University, USA
  1. Steven A. McCornack, Department of Communication, Michigan State University, 467 CAS, 404 Wilson Road, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA. Email:


Information Manipulation Theory 2 (IMT2) is a propositional theory of deceptive discourse production that conceptually frames deception as involving the covert manipulation of information along multiple dimensions and as a contextual problem-solving activity driven by the desire for quick, efficient, and viable communicative solutions. IMT2 is rooted in linguistics, cognitive neuroscience, speech production, and artificial intelligence. Synthesizing these literatures, IMT2 posits a central premise with regard to deceptive discourse production and 11 empirically testable (that is, falsifiable) propositions deriving from this premise. These propositions are grouped into three propositional sets: intentional states (IS), cognitive load (CL), and information manipulation (IM). The IS propositions pertain to the nature and temporal placement of deceptive volition, in relation to speech production. The CL propositions clarify the interrelationship between load, discourse, and context. The IM propositions identify the specific conditions under which various forms of information manipulation will (and will not) occur.

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