Monday, April 27, 2015

Net Generation student needs

Learning Characteristic Teaching Strategies
Focused on achievement and Give students many opportunities for success and a variety of graded assignments
grades Prepare detailed course goals and objectives
Goal oriented Provide clear expectations
Pressured to succeed Allow student input on course assignments and assessment
Assertive Respect the knowledge and experience students bring to class; work to build on that knowl-
Confident edge
Help students see the difference between information and knowledge
Enjoy working in groups Implement group and team projects
Team-oriented Allow students to work together
Extremely social Encourage interaction and communication
Easily bored with traditional Shift the focus from teaching to learning
teaching methods Give short, relevant writing assignments
Create assignments that deal with real-life issues that students are interested in
Limit lectures to short sessions with discussion breaks
Instead of reading about something, have students visit something
Bring in guest speakers
Incorporate inquiry based learning
Allow students to discover learning
Instead of testing, have students demonstrate what they have learned
Talk less and do more
Technologically savvy Incorporate technology throughout the course
Provide online course materials such as syllabi, readings, and quizzes
Allow students to submit assignments online
Use online teaching tools such as WebQuests and Wikis
Set up a class Facebook page
Communicate through email
Challenge students to think beyond the technology
Multitasking Keep students busy with a variety of assignments and projects
Give frequent breaks
Allow students to utilize all course materials and equipment in class
Give students a variety of methods to meet course requirements (a paper, project, presentation,
video, interviews, etc.)
A 36 Adult Learning
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Accustomed to instant gratification
Visually stimulated
Little patience
Short attention span
Poor time management skills
Sense of entitlement
See themselves as a "customer"
of the college
Provide prompt, constructive feedback
Follow through on all student requests and concerns
Utilize textbook CD's for assignments that provide immediate feedback
Include a variety of teaching materials such as graphics, visuals, and simulations
Utilize PowerPoint presentations
Offer assignments that include visual tools
Attempt to slow student faced-paced thinking and working
Create assignments that provide some focused reflection time
Emphasize time-on-task and provide students with a timeline for assignment completion
Require attendance and count it as a grade
Provide frequent teacher/student interaction
Show students that you care about their success
Be flexible
Listen and respect student concerns
Provide service learning and community project opportunities

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