Sunday, October 12, 2014

culture in the diffusion of innovations

Cultural differences in, and influences on, consumers’propensity to adopt innovations

Sangeeta Singh
Department of Marketing, Norwegian School of Management,
Sandvika, Norway

International Marketing Review
Vol. 23 No. 2, 2006
pp. 173-191

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between national culture and
adoption of new products, ideas, or behaviour to suggest a framework for distinguishing between
innovative and imitative behaviour.
Design/methodology/approach – The four dimensions propounded by Hofstede are used to
distinguish national cultures for developing hypotheses pertaining to patterns of adoption of new
products, namely innovative and imitative behaviour of consumers and the sources of influence that
instigate them into such behaviours.
Findings – Results from the study provide support for some of the hypothesised effects which
suggest that indeed, certain dimensions of culture are a key factor in determining whether or not
consumers will display a propensity to innovate. Specifically, it was found that cultures characterised
by small power distance, weak uncertainty avoidance and masculinity will demonstrate
innovativeness. The findings also indicate that consumers coming from different national cultures
are going to vary in their susceptibility to normative influences and interpersonal communications.
Consumers coming from a large power distance, strong uncertainty avoidance and/or feminine
cultures are going to be convinced into adopting new products through normative influences while
those from more collectivistic cultures are more likely to be swayed by interpersonal communications.
Originality/value – These results offer possibilities of influencing consumers into adopting new
products by using different methods that are dependent on the national culture.
Keywords National cultures, Innovation, Interpersonal communications, Behaviour
Paper type Research paper.

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